- Boutique Social Media Marketing Agency
- 60% Gross Profit Margins
- Averaging 20-25k per month in revenue
- Retainer based model. Low concentration risk, good average retainer spread across portfolio of clients
- Director Salaries $14,000/month
- Mix of offshore and local team
- No office, very low overhead costs
- Only overheads are manpower - offshore and local team
- Project manager to manage technicians and clients
- Client acquisition through paid advertising channels - image ads, that bring leads straight to whatsapp to discover and close
- Relatively low ticket services, ~$1000-$3000/month, dealing with SMEs, so sales cycle is short (time from lead to client)
- Easy take over. 2 existing partners, streamlined fulfilment, systems, and SOPs.
If interested, Whatsapp Nick at +65 91006547.