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Expand Your Business Opportunity in South East Asia With Pall-Ex Logistics (UK)

Pall-Ex Romania is Eastern Europe's first ever first pallet network

发布日期 2021年12月09日

Operational since 2011, Pall-Ex Romania is Eastern Europe's first ever first pallet network.

From its hub in Sibiu, the network enables the Eastern European region to benefit from the unique hub-and-spoke network concept that has revolutionised pallet distribution in the UK and Western Europe.

The Pall-Ex model provides an optimised and cost-effective nationwide solution for the distribution of small consignments of palletised freight. It is intended to solve transport and express delivery needs for manufacturers who supply retailers, dealers and large clients, retailers that require express deliveries, as well as importers and distributors that need a national physical distribution channel.

Pall-Ex Romania members are now able to help small customers with a flexible and cost-effective service that addresses their evolving needs for on-time traceable deliveries, transparency and security.

Pall-Ex Romania continues to grow and demonstrates the adaptability of the Pall-Ex Group business model to meeting growing transportation requirements for efficiency and service excellence.

